Bt's Pilates Studio, 29th July 2024

This is the 2nd week of term 3 of 2024 and there are 8 weeks to go before the October school holidays.
Now is a good time to commit to
your physical-fitness & freedom lifestyle!..

Topics this week

Topics this week include Six core strategies in a pilates workout & The high-tech health revolution: microbiome stool testing
  1. Six core strategies in a pilates workout
  2. Video & article: The high-tech health revolution: microbiome stool testing

Six core strategies in a pilates workout

This is video 2 in a six-part sequence in which we ask you to choose which core control strategy the exercise focuses on. There can be more than one strategy to focus on at a time. See if your answer agrees with ours!…

Picture: six core strategies - we'll tell you what the strategies are so you can learn as you go!

The high-tech health revolution: microbiome stool testing

New technologies and the birth of personalised 21st-century medicine

Picture: The high-tech health revolution: microbiome stool testing