Bt's Studio News (week 1 of term 2 2024)

This is the 1st week of term 2 of 2024 and there are 9 weeks to go.
Now is the best time to:-

Articles this week

The Btpilates "Base Workout"

The Btpilates “Base Workout” is a culmination of 20 years of up-to-date scientific study and teaching experience. Its 31 “base” exercises serve as a solid foundation for addressing weaknesses and enhancing strengths, making it a unique and valuable resource in the world of fitness today. What sets it apart is that each exercise can be tweaked and modified to be used as a learning experience and a performance-enhancing tool.

Picture: Exercise 5 from the Base Workout: the Sir Galahad with Manubrium Lift!

The milk-mucus myth and the raw milk asthma protective effect

When researching this common “problem”, I found that 50% of milk drinkers experience what feels like mucus in their throat after drinking milk, and some think this means they have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance and, therefore, avoid drinking milk. Turns out that none of this is true!*

Picture: A bold assertion based upon recent large scale research: raw milk is very healthy for kids with asthma and ecxema!